Global Private Markets Outlook 2023

Social Bonds : A significant financing opportunity amid the pandemic


Acuity Knowledge Partners has a deep-rooted relationship with the PE&VC sector, having served its professionals and executives across activities for over a decade. We are also the global leader in serving the sector. Based on this detailed understanding, we launched our debut global survey last year and received a remarkable response.

This year’s survey, too, received a substantial response, with the respondents sharing inputs and insights across investment regions, activities, operating environments and relationships, making our survey one of the most comprehensive global surveys that address both opportunities and concerns, especially in the current turbulent economic environment.

We received responses from c.70 firms from all regions. Our respondents have investing interest worldwide. However, due to the heavy concentration of capital, PE&VC firms and investment opportunities, North America, the UK and Europe, and Asia continued to account for over 90% of the respondents in terms of location of headquarters and investment focus. Our respondents also show interest in Africa and South America, albeit with less focus. Hence, the survey captures the essence of the global investing environment.

Veterans continue to provide insights; 84% of the respondents have 5 year of experience in the sector and nearly two-thirds over 10 years of experience . Two-third hold leadership positions.