Enhanced Structure of Global Email Distribution for a US-based Asset Manager

  • 100%

    Accuracy Levels

  • 150+

    Regions Focused for Distribution

  • 24hr

    Turnaround with Overnight Support

  • 15+

    Varieties of Emails Designed

  • A US based asset management firm required support in production of email builds, journey building, campaign distribution, analytics and other marketing automation tools.
  • The Asset manager required fund marketing support from a partner with proven expertise who could help manage its large multi-regional prospect and contact portfolio in the following regions
    • UK / EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa)
    • United States and Canada
    • APAC (Asia-Pacific Countries)
  • nability to meet guidelines and service outage through redundancy and the lack of expertise in the designated software and tools deployed.
  • Ability to maintain precise levels of accuracy and reliability through our multi-layered quality assurance procedures with zero room for error.
  • Deployment of well-rounded tools that will trickle down a smoother and fast paced process of distribution.
  • Following a dynamic and unwavering standard for design while following compliance guidelines
  • Providing 24/7 support with our specialists who work shifts round the clock both peak and offpeak hours for ad-hoc reques
  • On-time delivery of campaigns to multi-regional prospects around the globe with our diverse range of specialists that led to pitch perfect communication conveniently
  • Proficient design and execution of a large range of emails from commentary newsletters, regular distribution, fund data, insights and research letters, and event webinars and invitations.
  • Acted as a middleman of distribution for the global hub of the email marketing teams across EMEA, APAC, US and Canada towards ensuring reduced turnaround time and zero trials and tribulation for the contacts and prospects in above regions.
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What we have done

E-mail Marketing Expertise Offered to a New York-based Global Fund Manager
What we are proud of


Email Builds Delivered Monthly


Global Team’s workload secured