European Investment Bank

  • Over 1,000+

    hours of work delivered

  • 30% to 35%

    productivity gains to the onshore legal team

  • Client is one of the leading French investment banks and was facing the following challenges:
    • Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) had to be applied to all existing and prospective contracts within short deadline
    • Difficulty in hiring right-skilled person to support on legal remediation based on an EU directive (BRRD)
    • Lack of training time for new hires because of the tight deadline
    • Difficulty in retaining onshore talent
    • Onshore team consistently over-loaded and over-worked and unable to remediate existing contracts within the date set by the EU regulator
    • Operational inefficiencies and lack of coordination within multiple business units
  • One experienced law graduate support to client’s in-house legal team
  • Supported legal team, regional heads, risk managers and FO/Sales in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Paris across
    • Reaching out and coordinate with internal stakeholders to understand the gaps and address them
    • Explain and make client’s counterparties understand the Stay and Bail-in regulations
    • Drafting, redlining, negotiating the contracts as per the new regulation
    • Help execute them by reaching out to the relevant signatories for their sign-off
    • Help comply with BRRD regulations within the deadline
  • Quick turnaround: Help remediate all in-scope contracts within the date specified by the regulatory body
  • Adherence to regulation: Able to make client / counterparties adhere to the BRRD regulations and making their relationship in line with the guidelines
  • Increasing Efficiency of onshore legal teams BAU deliverables by 30% to 40%
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