Preparation of the first sustainability report for a Middle East oil giant

  • Understanding existing ESG initiatives taken by the organization

  • Conducting materiality assessment and KPIs identification

  • Data collection, GRI disclosures and sustainability report writing

  • A leading multi-national company for advanced lubricants, fuel and auto maintenance in the Middle East wanted Acuity to prepare and publish their first sustainability report for two of its business units as per the GRI standards
  • Detailed analysis of the client’s existing sustainability initiatives, both current and upcoming
  • Conducted a comprehensive impact-based materiality assessment to identify and filter key material topics that are relevant for the company through necessary engagement of all important stakeholders (both internal and external)
  • Impact-based materiality matrix with comparative analysis of survey responses
  • Final content with GRI index to prepare the Sustainability report
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What we have done

Conducting materiality assessment for a US-based food retailer
What we are proud of

Identification of stakeholders and survey execution

Data collection, analysis, and materiality matrix

Supporting a niche consulting firm servicing asset managers and PE firms in developing ESG focused businesses
What we are proud of

ESG benchmarking

Portfolio ESG profiling