Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Support
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to high volatility in the global stocks markets and financial disruption, resulting in companies struggling with liquidity – for immediate, short-term needs, recapitalising balance sheets or to meet long-term requirements. They have turned to the equity markets to address their liquidity concerns, and these markets saw a 41% y/y spike in equity and equity-related issuances globally in 1H 2020, bolstered by a record number of secondary offerings. As liquidity concerns grow, companies are also looking for alternate ways of financing, such as via private investment in public equity (PIPE) transactions and special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) IPOs.
At Acuity Knowledge Partners, we provide a broad range of equity capital markets (ECM) support to investment banks and advisory firms globally. Our experts provide end-to-end support to ECM advisors, helping onshore teams on live transactions and regular work streams related to IPOs, FOs, registered direct offerings (RDOs), PIPE transactions, rights, convertibles and other equity-related offerings.
Who we serve
Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Support We Offer
Equity Capital Markets Support
Market monitoring and updates
Investor profiles and databases
IPO Comps/analysis
Shareholding analysis
Case studies
Roadshow presentations