Ratings Advisory Support
With credit ratings playing a significant role in attracting investors to the debt markets, the workloads of rating advisory firms have also increased exponentially in recent years. This presents a challenge to ratings advisory firms, as the longer an analyst takes to prepare a detailed rating assessment of an issuer, the fewer mandates a rating advisory firm could advise on in a particular year. The growing importance of sustainability in credit assessment of corporations has further increased the workloads of the ratings advisory teams.
Rating advisory firms can leverage Acuity Knowledge Partners’ expertise in developing standardised models and outputs based on rating agency methodologies, and reduce their time to market. Our team of ratings advisory experts have an in-depth understanding of the major rating agencies’ frameworks and can help our clients in initiating credit ratings, developing a theme, providing expert advice, preparing management for rating agency presentation, monitoring ratings and providing other value-added services including ESG risk assessment.
Support we Offer for Ratings Advisory Teams
Ratings Advisory Support
Identification and study of the relevant methodology
Financial spreading
Indicative rating models
Credit positioning
Peer group analysis
Information requests/questionnaire
Pitch book support
Debt headroom analysis
ESG pitch book assistance
Rating agency presentation
Industry thematic
ESG risk assessment
Issue rating
Loss given default analysis
Ad-hoc research